Make A Donation
You can make a donation to the Lupus Association of NSW Inc. in a number of different ways. You can donate online using your credit card, send us a cheque or money order in the post, or contact us to make a donation over the phone.
Leave A Bequest
An alternative way of giving is including the Lupus Association of NSW Inc in your will. This can be a lasting and financially astute way to make a gift as there is no immediate cost to you, particularly if you already have a will prepared. If you don’t already have a will, then perhaps now is the ideal time to consider having a will prepared and perhaps including the Lupus Association of NSW by making a bequest.
Bequests can take several forms so you can be very specific about how your gift is presented. If you are in a position to make a bequest and you would like some further information, please contact The Lupus Association of NSW Inc.
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