Lupus Store

The following are some tools available to help LUPUS patients.


After realizing how many lupus patients had trouble keeping track of their medications, daily symptoms and appointments, an interdisciplinary team at the USA based Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) developed a mobile app called LupusMinder.

One of the central goals of the app was to have a concurrent way to record lupus symptoms, including the patient’s guesses of the factors that might contribute to their symptoms as a whole.

With LupusMinder, patients can keep a log and review their history during their appointment, saving valuable time, helping communication, and optimizing treatment management.

Because patients can also take pictures of their physical symptoms, such as a swollen joint, doctors can also have improved access to accurate information. In addition, logs can be saved in a PDF file and sent to physicians, in case additional remote time is necessary.

The app is available to the 1.5 million people living with lupus in the United States as well as worldwide — not just to those who are treated at HSS.

LupusMinder is available free for both iOS and Android devices via the Apple Store and Google Play.