Lupus and Steriods

6th May 2024 World Lupus Federation Global Survey Finds 91% of People with Lupus Report Using Oral Steroids to Treat Lupus A recent global survey conducted by the World Lupus Federation reported that 91% of survey respondents were taking or have taken oral steroids to treat their lupus. Over 7,700 people living with lupus from…


PBS listing of Saphnelo

26 April 2024 PBS listing of Saphnelo At the March 2024 meeting, the PBAC has recommended the PBS listing of Saphnelo for patients with severe SLE with high disease activity despite standard of care. AstraZeneca is working with the Department of Health to finalise the next steps to enable a timely PBS listing. The Saphnelo…


Impact of probiotics and prebiotics

23 March 2024 Research Opportunity Researchers at UNSW Sydney (The University of New South Wales) are seeking volunteer research participants to learn about the impact of probiotics and prebiotics on signs and symptoms of Sjögren’s syndrome-related dry eye (primary and secondary Sjögren’s syndrome). The study might be a good fit for you if:      Are aged…


T-cell Discovery for Lupus

World-first discovery may enable an effective long-term lupus treatment 06 February 2024 Two years away from clinical trials, the method targets the T-cell in the immune system – offering patients the possibility of a treatment beyond medication and its side effects. Australian researchers have worked out how to fix a defect that causes lupus, and…


Lupus Sub Group of Type 2

Research Reveals Unique Sub-Groups of Type 2 Lupus (Extract from Lupus Foundation of America) A new study provides insights into the nature of symptoms experienced by people with lupus. While Type 1 and Type 2 lupus models (described below) have previously been identified, the latest research expands upon and refines these definitions, revealing two new…


mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

Study Finds mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine and One Booster Dose May Not Fully Protect against Breakthrough Case of Omicron Variant in People with Autoimmune Disease In people with autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARDs), such as lupus, the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and booster dose may not provide broad protection from developing a breakthrough infection (an infection with a…
