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Whereas, lupus is a serious and incurable autoimmune disease that can cause life-threatening damage to any organ in the body; and,

Whereas, lupus is a global health problem that affects millions of young women, men and children of all nationalities, races, ethnicities, genders and ages worldwide; and

Whereas, many physicians worldwide are unaware of symptoms and health effects of lupus, causing people with lupus to suffer for many years before they obtain a correct diagnosis and medical treatment; and

Whereas, medical research efforts into lupus and the discovery and development of safer, more effective treatments for lupus patients are under-funded in comparison with diseases of similar magnitude and severity; and

Whereas, people with lupus will face a lifetime of living with the unpredictable and life-changing health effects of this disease; and,

Whereas, there is a deep, unmet need worldwide to educate and support individuals and families affected by lupus; and

Whereas, there is an urgent need to increase awareness in communities worldwide of the devastating impact of lupus,

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that 10 May 2017 is hereby designated as World Lupus Day on which lupus organizations around the globe call for increases in public and private sector funding for medical research on lupus, targeted education programs for health professionals, patients and the public, and worldwide recognition of lupus as a significant public health issue.

Lupus Knows No Boundaries

There is no boundary to the impact of lupus. Lupus is a global health problem that affects people of all nationalities, races, ethnicities, genders and ages.

Lupus can affect any part of the body in any way at any time, often with unpredictable and life-changing results. While lupus knows no boundaries, knowing all you can about lupus can help control its impact.



Join us and urge the World Health Organization to make lupus an international health priority and to ensure that people with lupus around the world are diagnosed and treated effectively.



Important Facts to Know about Lupus:

  • Lupus is a serious and disabling autoimmune disease.
  • An estimated 5 million people worldwide have lupus; and it develops more often in women.
  • It is not a form of arthritis. Lupus can damage any organ or tissue from the skin or joints to the heart or kidneys.
  • Lupus develops in response to factors both inside and outside of the body; however, the exact cause of lupus is not known.
  • Symptoms of lupus come and go, change over time, making lupus difficult to diagnose. Common symptoms include joint pain, skin rashes, overwhelming fatigue, and fevers that last for days or weeks.
  • Lupus is not contagious. You cannot ‘catch’ lupus from someone else.
  • While there is no cure for lupus, in most cases lupus can be managed successfully through early diagnosis
    and expert medical care.

More About Lupus


Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect various parts of the body. Lupus develops mostly in women between ages 15 and 44, but men, older people, and children can also have lupus. Normally our body’s immune system produces proteins called antibodies that protect the body from foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between these invaders and your body’s own cells (“auto” means “self”) and creates autoantibodies that attack and damage healthy tissue. These autoantibodies cause inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body.


The causes of lupus remain unknown, but scientists believe three factors may play a role: heredity, hormones, and environmental factors. No single gene or group of genes has been proven to cause lupus. Lupus does, however, appear in certain families, and certain genes have been identified as contributing to the development of lupus. Two of the environmental factors are ultraviolet rays from the sun (which can activate inflammatory cells in the skin) and certain medicines. Also, infections and stress might play roles in triggering flares in some people. Lupus is not contagious. You can’t ‘catch’ lupus or give lupus to someone else.


Symptoms of lupus can vary from one person to another. The most common symptoms include joint and muscle pain, overwhelming fatigue, skin rashes, fevers, and hair loss. Some manifestations of lupus are not immediately apparent, and early diagnosis plays an important role in preventing damage to vital organs. If you think you might have lupus, you should see your doctor. There is no one test for lupus, so your doctor will need to take blood for a variety of tests. Your family health history and your own health history are also important parts of a lupus diagnosis.


Although there is no cure for lupus, early diagnosis and proper medical treatment can significantly help to control the disease. Because no two people with lupus are alike, the best treatment approach is with a health care team that will tailor treatment to your specific condition. People who are most successful at living with lupus have learned to balance their lives while living with a chronic illness. Maintain a healthy diet, get plenty of rest, avoid stress and exposure to the sun and ultraviolet light, stop smoking and drink only in moderation. Increasing numbers of research projects on lupus are under way, looking for new and improved treatments to manage lupus, and, one day, to find a cure.