A breakfast Held in NSW Parliament House on Tuesday 18th October 2016 in partnership with Nutrition Australia NSW to celebrate Nutrition Week along with SHARE SMR Inc to raise awareness and profile of nutiriton and Lupus. The event was attended by many Parliamentarians and the Guest speaker was The Hon Minister Jillian Skinner who was called away at the last minute. Amongst the guest 14 guests were Mr Mark Coure MP Member for Oatley, Deputy Government Whip and our Parliamentary host, Barbara Ward Managing Director San Foundation and President of Lupus Association New South Wales, Board Members, Dr Joanna McMillan, Nutrition Expert on Channel Nine’s Today Show, Chris Downy, The Star Sydney, Yogesh Raju, Director LEHR Consultants International (Aust) Pty Ltd ,Adrian Prakash SHARE SMR Inc, The Hon. Scott Farlow MLC, Alister Henskens SC MP, Member For Ku Ring Gai, Ray Williams MP, Member for Castle Hill, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier for Western Sydney, Gareth Ward MP, Member for Kiama, Gurdeep Singh Deputy Mayor, Hornsby Shire Council, David Ossip Deputy Mayor Ku Ring Gai Council, Gus Balloot Councillor, Liverpool City Council, Phil Currie CEO, Adventist HealthCare ,Dick Warburton AO LVO, Raja Venkateswa President, Australia Indian Business Council, Paul McKenzie CEO/Principal, ABS Conveyance White Ribbon Ambassador, Hudson Chen KHS OAM,Catherine Saxelby, Foodwatch were amongst the distinguished guests.
The event was proudly supported by The Premier of NSW The Hon Mike Baird MP, The Hon. Troy Grant MP, Deputy Premier, Minister for Justice and Police, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Racing,
The Hon John Ajaka MLC, Minister for Ageing Minister for Disability Services Minister for Multiculturalism, Thomas George MP, Member for Lismore Deputy Speaker, Matt Kean MP, Member for Hornsby, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Craig Kelly, Federal Member for Hughes and Luke Foley MP, Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Minister for Western Sydney & Member for Auburn.
The President Barbara Ward spoke passionately about Lupus, its challenges and effects it has on people living with lupus.
Wrist bands and butterfly lapels were worn proudly by all as the two events were celebrated raising awareness of Nutrition Tryfor 5 vegetables and Lupus Month.